Sunday, 13 November 2011

Flexible Action and Articulated Skeleton Toolkit (FAAST)

The following link will explain how to setup a PC to work with the Kinect Primesense Camera and play games through motion.

Flexible Action and Articulated Skeleton Toolkit (FAAST):

New blog 'arm' to Wiihabilitation

It might be strange bolt on a Kinect blog to a predominantly Wii based site, but fundamentally both are topics that promote the use of mainstream computer gaming within therapy.  The popularity of the Nintendo Wii within rehab is well publicised and documented but it has its limits.  The Kinect has the same potential as the Nintendo Wii but its later release means that its playing catch up.  It is likely that in time the Kinect, and the expanding software options that are being developed, will enable the Kinect to confidently compete with the Wii, if not over take it.

From now on it really depends upon which corporation - Microsoft or Nintendo - embraces the demands of those wanting to use the consoles for rehab and develops software that truly meets the needs of the patients and professionals at affordable prices.

Microsoft promotes itself as accepting new ideas for Kinect

Microsoft have released a promo video that clearer suggests their willingness to consider all varieties of applications for the Xbox Kinect hardware.  It has already been used by some within rehabilitation with the Kinect being able to accurately recognise movements created by the body.  Many of these have used the Kinect with a PC and 3d party software, written specifically for the desired purpose.
There is more information and Microsofts video here.